

This is a list of all the available SproomBot commands. The format used is:

,name required info optional info

To use a command, send a message that matches its usage with its placeholders filled in. Some commands will use their context, like replying to a message.


Bot info and configuration.


Links to general information about the bot.

,help command

Provides information about a specific command.


Commands for editing images. Most commands here can find images automatically.

,analoghorror image


Adds an analog horror effect to an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,bounce image


Bounces an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,caption text


Adds a caption to the top of an image.

  • Finds an image in the replied or most recent message

,caption2 text


Adds a caption to the top of an image.

  • Finds an image in the replied or most recent message

,cas image


Content-aware scales an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,corrupt image


Corrupts a gif.

  • Requires an animated gif
  • May take a while to complete
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,crop direction amount image

Crops an image.

  • Amount can be a percentage of the image (50 or 50%) or an absolute value in pixels (100px)
  • Direction is "up", "down", "left", or "right"
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,crunch image

Progressively content-aware scales an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,cube image

Puts an image on a cube rotating on two axes, viewed from the front.

  • Currently doesn't support animations
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,cube2 image

Puts an image on a cube rotating on one axis, viewed from a corner.

  • Currently doesn't support animations
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,depolar image

Converts an image from polar to rectangular coordinates.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,distort image

Randomly distorts an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,ease direction image

Eases a gif in or out.

  • Direction is "in" or "out"
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,edges image

Highlights edges in an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,explode image

Explodes an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,faster image

,fast ,speed

Increases a gif's speed.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,flip image

,hflip ,flip1

Flips an image horizontally.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,flip2 image


Flips an image vertically.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,funge image

Makes an image into ugly pixel art.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,gray image

,grey ,bw

Converts an image to grayscale.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,green image

Makes an image green.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,halfsize image


Reduces an image to 50% of its original size.

If an image is too big to use with a command, try using this command to make it smaller.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,image image


Gets an image from a URL or mention.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,implode image

Implodes an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,invert image

Inverts an image's colors.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,jpeg image


Applies exaggerated JPEG compression to an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,loop image

disables looping for a gif.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,mirror direction image

,mir ,mirror1 ,mir1

Mirrors an image down the center in a given direction.

  • Direction is "up", "down", "left", or "right"
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,mirror2 direction image


Mirrors an image along a given side.

  • Direction is "up", "down", "left", or "right"
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,multicaption delimiter captions

,scranilla ,mcaption

Adds captions to the top and bottom of an image, rotating it whenever more space is needed.

For example, `,multicaption | one | two | three | four` adds 4 captions. The first parameter, `|`, is the delimiter used to separate captions. You can use any delimiter that does not contain a space or line break.

  • Finds an image in the replied or most recent message

,nmcaption image


Adds a caption, generated randomly from server quotes, to the top of an image.

  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,nmcaption2 image

Adds a caption, generated randomly from server quotes, to the bottom of an image.

  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,noloop image

disables looping for a gif.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,pingpong image


Plays a gif forwards then backwards.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,polar image

Converts an image from rectangular to polar coordinates.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,rainbow image

Applies an animated hue shift to an image.

  • Can produce flashing images
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,random image

,rand ,something

Does something to an image.

  • May take a while to complete
  • Can produce flashing images
  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,reverse image


Reverses a gif.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,rotate degrees image


Rotates an image by a given number of degrees.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,rotblur image

Blurs an image around the center.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,scramble image


Randomly rearranges the frames of a gif.

  • Can produce flashing images
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,shake image

Shakes an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,slitscan direction image


Applies a slit scan (aka "time warp") effect to a gif in a given direction.

  • Direction is "up", "down", "left", or "right"
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,smooth image

Interpolates a gif.

  • Requires an animated gif
  • May take a while to complete
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,solarize image

Solarizes an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,sort image

Sorts pixels by brightness from left to right.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,speechbubble location image


Adds a speech bubble mask to the top of an image.

  • Location is "left", "center", or "right"
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,sphere image


Puts an image on a rotating sphere.

  • Currently doesn't support animations
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,sphere2 image


Puts an image on a rotating sphere, viewed from a corner.

  • Currently doesn't support animations
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,spin image

Spins an image around its center.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,square image

Crops an image to a centered square.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,tile direction image


Duplicates an image horizontally or vertically.

  • Direction is "up", "down", "left", or "right"
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,tile2 image

Duplicates an image both horizontally and vertically.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,trail image


Adds a bright trail to a gif.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,trail2 image

Adds a dark trail to a gif.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message
  • Requires an animated gif

,tumble image

Spins an image, bouncing in the corner.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,tunnel image


Puts an image on a moving tunnel, viewed from inside.

  • Currently doesn't support animations
  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,zoom image

,zoom1 ,zoomin

Zooms into an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,zoom2 image


Zooms out from an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message


Other fun commands.

,identify image


Identifies an image using AI.

Uses a similar model to This command sometimes changes across updates, but the results should mostly be consistent.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

Quote Moderation

Commands for moderating quotes (WIP).

,removeall addedby user

,rma addedby

Removes all the quotes added by a given user.

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission
  • Requires a mention. Use ,removeall addedbyid to remove by ID when the user cannot be mentioned

,removeall addedbyid userId

,rma addedbyid

Remove quotes added by the user with the given ID.

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission
  • Requires a user ID. User IDs can be copied by right-clicking on a user when Developer Mode (Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode) is enabled

,removeall cancel

,rma cancel

Cancels a pending remove operation.

This command only affects operations that you started.

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission

,removeall confirm

,rma confirm

Confirms a pending remove operation.

This command will only work if the bot has specifically asked you to use it.

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission

,removeall containing text

,rma containing

Removes all the quotes containing the given text (case-insensitive).

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission

,removeall everything

,rma everything

Removes all the quotes in the server.

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission

,removeall saidby user

,rma saidby

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission
  • Requires a mention. Use ,removeall saidbyid to remove by ID when the user cannot be mentioned

,removeall saidbyid userId

,rma saidbyid

Remove quotes said by the user with the given ID.

  • Requires the ManageChannels permission
  • Requires a user ID. User IDs can be copied by right-clicking on a user when Developer Mode (Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode) is enabled


Commands for teaching the bot messages and having it generate new ones based on what it's learned.

,add text


Adds a quote to the server's quote book.

  • If no text is given, uses the replied or most recent message


Counts the quotes saved in the server.

,count text

Counts the quotes that contain the given text.


Fixes quotes that still appear in ,newmsg despite having been removed.

You should only need to use this if you used a ,removeall command before 7/10/2022.

  • Requires the ManageMessages permission


Sends a random quote.

  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)

,newmsg text


Generates a new message based on the server's quotes.

Mentioning or responding to the bot has the same effect. If text is given, the bot will try to generate a message starting with that text.

  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)

,nmstats word

Shows the words that are most likely to follow a given word when using ,newmsg.

  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)

,remove quote


Removes a quote.

You can reply to a SproomBot message that contains a quote, such as a confirmation message from `,add`, to remove it. Users with the Manage Messages permission can batch remove quotes with `,removeall`.

  • Exact quote text must be provided
  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)
  • If no text is given, uses the replied or most recent message

,search text

,s ,qi ,quoteinfo

Searches for and displays information about quotes.

This command shows the quote text, user who added the quote, and user who said the quote. You can respond to the message with ,rm to remove a quote.

  • Server needs to have at least one quote (see ,add)


Commands that modify text.

,read image


Reads text from an image.

  • Image can be a link, sticker, user mention (profile picture), or attachment
  • If no image is given, tries the replied or most recent message

,thesaurus text


Runs each word of a message through a thesaurus.

  • If no text is given, uses the replied or most recent message